Saturday, July 25, 2009


Tmrw I'm leaving to Florida at 5AM -___-' going to be so fucking tirrred! I'll be gone for five days :( meaning no phone, internet, blogging, tweeting, &youtubing for my fav boys/2pm! Fmlfml =( &I'ma fucking miss talking to my bestf about the auditions and practicing on the phone w/her! :D I'm going to be in the Bahamas, Turk Islands or something, &going to beaches. I'm going to be tan like a fucking Mexican!

Not that being THAT tan is bad or anything (L)

&Fmlfml, I'm going to miss the second ep of Wild Bunny! AJSDKLFJ;LSKJF i'ma miss them boys! But I won't for long, cos I'ma be seeing them in 4 weeks or so when Sisi& I become jyp traineees >:D hellszs to the fuck yes! Sisi& I got it in the bag =) but I don't want to get my hopes up too high =( it's kinda too late though, rofffl! well, I'm getting tirrred! I rap two miles toddday, sore as a bitch!

well, byeeeee!

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