Saturday, September 19, 2009

happy birthday to my favorite twins!


So yesterday Madison came over then we told my mom we were going to walk to the mallll, but instead we had Mattt& Blake pick us up to go driving around. They were smoking a blunt while driving to the malll, like wtf! Then we walked into the malll, stayed for literally seven minutes and went back to driving around. Then we all went to McDonalds &chilled w. Zach for like five minutes. THEEEEN, we went back to driving around and we started playing truth or dare. Hahah, it was fun. I kissed Blake AND Mattt, ahha (: k, but then we went to someplace and met up w. Zach AND Auston! Ugh ):< I hate Auston, so he went w. us and we drove all the way to Reitz to see my school's football game. BUT it was already eiggght and I had to be home by tenish. So we had to call Madison's "boyfriend" Dooley to tell him to pick us up, but we realized Madison left her purse in Blake's car so we had to wait a hour for them to come back! Once we got it, Dooley picked us up w. his cute friend Ryan ;) After that, we just went to the park w. then &wellll, let's just say Madi& Dooley were minding their own business while Ryan& I were minding our own business! Then afterwords we went home& passed out :) I passed out @10 ahah, and Madison got some beeer from my fridge, drank it allll by herself, THEN passed out around 1ish! She's weeak ;)

Yesterday was..interesting :)

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