Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I was going to go to Cali &surrrprise my girrhls& boys on the 16th, but I got in trouble w/the copps again! :( I'm succcha rebel ;) but yeah, so my flight ticccket got cancelled &the ticket for the 17th was fucccking $800 +tax& shit! Fuck that, I'm not going to Cali for a thousand dollars, but I really am upset that I couldn't make it to the Knott's trip, Commencement, &mkl's bonfirrre! Now that I'm coming on the 23rd! It's a long storrry! =( Hopefully, I won't get into anymore troubble! I really feel bad cos I couldn't make it to all those important evennnts, but as long as I'm coming back I think I'll be okay.

DICKFACCCE! I fucking hate you >:[ You're being a real big bitcch& I feel as if I regret becoming your friend again. You're so different& I hate itttt. Hopefully, I'll do something on accident to make you want to stop being my friend. That's how much I DISLIKE you!

I miss my seriously. I don't know where she is though. She's channged..&It makes me sad cos she's one of the closest things I had to my daddd. I've been holding in and rejecting that fact that she has changed, but I can't anymore. I have to let itttt go. She's so different& it kills me to know that. I hope this change isn't for long& I hope she realizes how much her newself tears me up inside. I miss my best friend& she's really all I need besides family. I'm lost in the darkness w/o her. I'll find her somewherrre, I'll keep on trying. But one thing forsurrr is that she's always in my <3

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