Thursday, April 16, 2009

Maybe one day it will be ok again. That's all I want. I don't care what it takes. I just want to be ok again.

The past couple days have been...whatevers. I don't want to live this way. I just want to come back home and live life the way i use to live it. When no one was "fake". When we were ourselves cos no one could ever tell us we were doing it wrong. When we would laugh problems off instead of fighting. When no one cared what other people thought. :'((((( I wanted all of that back so badly, I forgot about living my life. Instead I went around/I am going around and chasing everyone to make them happy and to please them. I'm so tired of this shit. Other than all the bullllllSHIT!

There's a specific someone who makes my day just by hearing their name! =) Even though I have all this bullcrap going on, just the thought of being with him in the summer is enough to get me thru the day. I just wish he could hear all the words I'm too afraid to say =/ I don't want fall hard, but i'm not sure if it's too late or not, yet. I'ma go now


Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'ma bout to 'GO OFF!'

FMLFMLFML! Life's going down the fucking drain, AGAIN!? =/ Someone save meee!
"In the end its not the harsh words of your enemies you remember,
but the silence of your friends."

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

sldfjlsdkjf people neeeed to grow up, like seriously! Calling others fake when the only fake person is the one in her mirror! I'm so sick of her dumb ass! Fuccccck her, if she's gonna leave for a couple days like she's going to leave us forever then you should just leave for gooood. I'm not about to fuck my life up again w/her back in it. I'm fucking done w/being pushed around+putting her happiness before mine! Fuck it, i'm done w/her bullshit. I pray to God that someone is there to hold me down the day I explode and hunt her down. I'm on the urge of committing murder. I've never in my life have felt so furious. HEY, AND GUESS WHAT FUCKER!? The next time we all gather around to talk, open your mouth &talk your bullshit to our fucking faces, you hear bitcccch? If not, then keep our fucking names out of that dirty mouth of yours, k? The next time I hear one of our names rolllll off your mouth, I will rip that tongue out and choke you w/it!

Other than that, my day was a bitch. I kept getting in trouble for littttttle things. I got in trouble for wearing glasses o___o + my shirt being too low?! LOLOL! Gosh, I will burn down Plaza one day and throw 'her' body in the fireee! i'm so mad right now that my mind's just thinking violent thoughts D:

Look at me and tell me what you see, It's a new game now. I'm not the girl I used to be

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


EEEEEEK! I had the best weekend+two days of the week! Lost a friend a couple days ago, but I can careless, cos I gained two more ++life's good w/o heeeer, like foreals! A specific person is really getting me thru alot, &he probably doesn't even know it :) it's the feeling, where you can hear their voice and the worries and problems fade away instantly, the world disappears, and your mind goes blank! i♥feeling and i hope it never goes away! I can honestly say, I'm saying all this pretty fast, but I haven't been real happy in awhile+it's nice to have a little bit of my old life back :( I'm missing my bestf more than usual. I think it's cos i've been going thru all this BS and there's no one really here to tell me that everything's going to be okay or like lend me an ear. I know people can tell other people everything, but she's seriously the only person I can trust+she understands thru my flaws& mistakes!

It's so cold here& all i have are summer clothes LOLOL this is what i get for coming from a sunny city to a miniature anartica D: i neeeed someone to come hold me+keep me warm :'( LOL! +i'm pale as hell, it's unbelievable& deffinately not fun LOL!

"I never thought I’d fall for you as hard as I did"
verything you love before you don't love no more"

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dying for Vegas :')

I haven't blogged since like a century ago D: But yeah, my life has been shitty as hell. I hate it like a bitch, all i need are my 714's! Donald& Jay made me weekend, they're so fucking hilarious.<3

I'm so sick of everyone's bitchassss over here! Everyone's fake and it's driving me crazy! I'm so sick of people taking advantage of my shy, quiet, kind personality. I've let so many people take advantage of me, yet I still don't know how to stand up on my own =/ I promised myself that i'd change, but that hasn't happened, cos idk how. I guess I just sorta thought something would change me itself, Idk really. I'm tired of always apologizing for things I didn't do, I'm done putting people before myself! I spend too much time trying to make others happy, when I can't make myself happy. It's funny how I can brighten people's days up yet Idk how to brighten up my own. I'm fucking sick of people just talking to certain others just becos of their reputation! Goddamn, worry about your character, cos reputation is only what people think you are. Fuck it, i'm done worrying bout what people need to say to or about me, cos fuck I'm not changing for anybody anymore. I'm done having to wait for people to wipe away my tears, cos now i'm going to learn and do it myself. Do myself a fucking favor cos i've been chewed up and spit out too many times. I'm done getting fucked over. Look at me tmrw and tell me what you see. It's a new game, I'm not the girl I used to be.