Tuesday, April 7, 2009


EEEEEEK! I had the best weekend+two days of the week! Lost a friend a couple days ago, but I can careless, cos I gained two more ++life's good w/o heeeer, like foreals! A specific person is really getting me thru alot, &he probably doesn't even know it :) it's the feeling, where you can hear their voice and the worries and problems fade away instantly, the world disappears, and your mind goes blank! i♥feeling and i hope it never goes away! I can honestly say, I'm saying all this pretty fast, but I haven't been real happy in awhile+it's nice to have a little bit of my old life back :( I'm missing my bestf more than usual. I think it's cos i've been going thru all this BS and there's no one really here to tell me that everything's going to be okay or like lend me an ear. I know people can tell other people everything, but she's seriously the only person I can trust+she understands thru my flaws& mistakes!

It's so cold here& all i have are summer clothes LOLOL this is what i get for coming from a sunny city to a miniature anartica D: i neeeed someone to come hold me+keep me warm :'( LOL! +i'm pale as hell, it's unbelievable& deffinately not fun LOL!

"I never thought I’d fall for you as hard as I did"
verything you love before you don't love no more"

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