Tuesday, August 25, 2009

this is what happened.

I was totally over it. I told myself it was a stupid crush, over and done with it. And then he looked at me...

Monday, August 24, 2009

health class again :)

DUDEEE, huge update needed! beginning w/Aug21!

AUG21...worst birthday of my life period. Nothing super bad really happened, it just Idk. It didn't feel right w/o my dad. I had like super bad moodswings that night too! But on that night I went to my school dance! It was so freaking funny/fun! Everyone was grindin& jerkin, it was grrreat. There was a tightasszs dance battttle =) it was sick! high school is so much betttter than middle school! The dress code &rules are so much ...looser? ahah Idk. Oh& btw to Donald, Charlotte, Vivian, etc =) I didn't get anyone's birthday texts to me excccept for donald's! My phone was fucked up cos I was at the dance it just dieed like a bitch. But thankyou for your birthday wishes &stuff =) laav you guys<3333 the few that remembered<3

AUG22-AUG23, Madison spent the niggght& we went to Louisvilllle just for Forever21, keke! FUCK MAN, evansville needs forever21! &Happy bday to TQ<3 Love you!

AUG24, school day/monday! fuck man, today was shittty. Idk why -____-' oh wells!

&then i'ma try to come back for xmas..AGAIN! Fuck man, but no promises cos I don't want to like disappoint anyone like I did during summer =/ DON'T FORGEEET ABOUT ME >___< hahahaa :) jk <3 LAVYOUALL!

Well, shit son, I'm outszs! <^>

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I'm at school right now! :) I found a way to get on blocked websites. Hmm, Harrison gives us our own laptops anyways! I'm in health right now, which is 6th peeeriod. Then next period is communications >:( I have a fucking presentation to present. AHH, this is so cool! kekekke :) duddde, I miss my life man. Fmlfmlfml <^> kakakakka! Nothing to say, reallly! so ttttyl :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

first day of school tmrw!

tmrw's the first day of school :o Idk if how I feel about it anymore. I mean yesterday at orrrientation, it was pretty fun& stuff :) but, Idk! I really don't feel like blogging though! well, I have all my outfits ready &everything! xxcept for the most important thing, the books! LOLOL :) oh well, fuck school!

Jyp,I haven't been practicing at all =( Fmlfml!

I haven't talked to my bestf, Sisi in like 3 days! that's like 3 years for bestfriends :') kekkeke! but I have Pauuul, he's my bestf too<3 I love them so much& would die w/o them! Idk where I'd be right now if they weren't in my life! :) aren't I the sweetest thing!

So many laughs through the years, and a few stories I hope no one hears, I'll always be by your side, best friends forever till the day we die.

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

Friday, August 7, 2009

prince charming, bestfriends, and life.

Every girl wants a Prince Charming, and while he may be nice and all, I'm thinking that I'd rather have the guy that's gonna call at 4 in the morning just to say hi. Or someone who will stop by my house after just hanging up the phone because he wants to see how I'm really doing, because I said I was fine, but we both know I'm lying. Or the guy who'll stay home on a Saturday night with me because I'm sick. That guy, that one guy, he may not be Prince Charming to anyone else...but he'd be my hero. My "knight in shining armor." Anyone who'd rather stay home on a Saturday night and hold my hair while I puke... that's a hero.

I wish we'd grow old friends together. We would hang out and talk and maybe we could bring our grandchildren along, and when they ask us how long we've been friends, we'll smile and say "almost forever"

As time goes by, life has a way of rearranging itself. People enter your life, and inevitably, they leave as well. Things have a tendency to happen that can turn your world upside down. You'll come to realize eventually, that even though things are different, you are as well.

I've learned my best friend and I can do nothing or anything and have the best time.

Wanna see who your true friends are? Fuck up and see who stays by your side.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

random thoughts!

I love mine& tracy's phone calls! They're always so interesting& hilarious<3 She's forever my hunnaybuns ^__^ love that girrrhl to death! We were making up our own lyrics to Forever& I miss you! Aren't we just the cooolest kidsz?! We were talking about relationships alot too ='( Kekke, whatevers! +We gossiped tons& tons& tons! Tahahhah :']

I miss our weekend phone calls and our infity morning text msgs& I miss how we'd always fall asleep on each other (on the phone) at the same time. I don't like you, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you.

I always ask myself, why can't I just go back to the way my life use to be? &I'm constantly wishing to go back in time. There's nothing I wouldn't do to do so. Fmlfml :'[

'Baby, are you down down down down down? =)

Monday, August 3, 2009

san diego!

shittttt, I forgot to update everyone on my calif trip! I probably forgot cos it was the one of the worst trips of my lfe! I went for like 5 days to sd& it just didn't feel the same =( no dadddy& not my home. sucks cos I had to stay there w/my cousins -___-' no one knew I came back either xcept for Twacccy& Sisi, I think! I couldn't kick it w/ my homesz cos no riddde& shit =/ Whateveeer,Idk! I guess I love calif for it's ppppl or maybe cos I wasn't in Garden Grove o__o LOL, let's say both! I'd appreciate it if everyone stopped asking me bout when I'm coming back &etc. I'm not saying it in a mean way! It's just I get asked about that pretty often. It's alright to ask though, I won't bite :') That's it, tata!

jamaica update!

Lots to update on! First offff, my cruise! It was grrreat! Laying around the ship ordering room service 24/7 &puttting on 7lbs a day! Hahha, just kiddding :') But I did order room service often! IT WAS COOOL, I've never had 'free room service'! But don't worrrry, I kept the weight off by constantly running up and down the cruise stairs instead of using they beautiful glass elevators! Hahha! Oh& it was my mistake! We didn't go to the Bahama's! We went to Key West, Grand Cayman, and JAMAICA! Jamaica was grrreat, everywhere I went all I heard was 'YAH MON' & 'NO PROBBLEM' seriously! I'm no exxagerrrating or anything. LOL =) &our taxi driver had the most amazing name -- azaban bolt! roffffl, i'm going to name my son that :'] well, aug1 was the day I had to go back to reality and get back into the shithole where i'm currently residing.

Ugh, school orientation tmrw! like wtfucccck, i get all depressed just hearing the word. fuck harrison& indiana! I fucking hate it here. I seriously fucking hate Indiana so much. Here w/there manwhores& fake bitches. Seriously, everyone needs to grow the fuck up! I didn't usually talk shit until I came here. &even if I was still the same person I was almost a year ago, I would STILL talk shit on indiana& it's motherfuckers. becos of indiana& it's bitches, I changed for the worse. I did things, I never imagined doing. If everyone I cared for besides my bestf, knew what I've done& all the things I went through, they would stop caring...but I guess all that was my decision, huh? it's called peer pressure.

too much info on JYP stufffff, update you on that some other time, aights? =)
tatata &toodlesz!