Friday, August 7, 2009

prince charming, bestfriends, and life.

Every girl wants a Prince Charming, and while he may be nice and all, I'm thinking that I'd rather have the guy that's gonna call at 4 in the morning just to say hi. Or someone who will stop by my house after just hanging up the phone because he wants to see how I'm really doing, because I said I was fine, but we both know I'm lying. Or the guy who'll stay home on a Saturday night with me because I'm sick. That guy, that one guy, he may not be Prince Charming to anyone else...but he'd be my hero. My "knight in shining armor." Anyone who'd rather stay home on a Saturday night and hold my hair while I puke... that's a hero.

I wish we'd grow old friends together. We would hang out and talk and maybe we could bring our grandchildren along, and when they ask us how long we've been friends, we'll smile and say "almost forever"

As time goes by, life has a way of rearranging itself. People enter your life, and inevitably, they leave as well. Things have a tendency to happen that can turn your world upside down. You'll come to realize eventually, that even though things are different, you are as well.

I've learned my best friend and I can do nothing or anything and have the best time.

Wanna see who your true friends are? Fuck up and see who stays by your side.

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