Tuesday, September 22, 2009


everyone's so godddamn scandalous and boys are the same as bitches.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

happy birthday to my favorite twins!


So yesterday Madison came over then we told my mom we were going to walk to the mallll, but instead we had Mattt& Blake pick us up to go driving around. They were smoking a blunt while driving to the malll, like wtf! Then we walked into the malll, stayed for literally seven minutes and went back to driving around. Then we all went to McDonalds &chilled w. Zach for like five minutes. THEEEEN, we went back to driving around and we started playing truth or dare. Hahah, it was fun. I kissed Blake AND Mattt, ahha (: k, but then we went to someplace and met up w. Zach AND Auston! Ugh ):< I hate Auston, so he went w. us and we drove all the way to Reitz to see my school's football game. BUT it was already eiggght and I had to be home by tenish. So we had to call Madison's "boyfriend" Dooley to tell him to pick us up, but we realized Madison left her purse in Blake's car so we had to wait a hour for them to come back! Once we got it, Dooley picked us up w. his cute friend Ryan ;) After that, we just went to the park w. then &wellll, let's just say Madi& Dooley were minding their own business while Ryan& I were minding our own business! Then afterwords we went home& passed out :) I passed out @10 ahah, and Madison got some beeer from my fridge, drank it allll by herself, THEN passed out around 1ish! She's weeak ;)

Yesterday was..interesting :)

Monday, September 14, 2009


You know what I hate the most? Life roller coasters! I'm so fucking tired of them. Last week was a bitch &today was really good! &Even though It was good, I don't want something bad to fucking bring me down agggain. Seriously, life's rollller coasters piss the shit out of me =( &Good things don't fall apart for better things to fall together. Don't trust that bullshit! :)

Then again, WC came back into my life wh en I was just ready to get over him :( Today was good because I didn't let any of his bull to get in the way of my day, until he asked me to stop by his locker which caused us to walk each other to class like how we did when we were seeing each other..UGH! I was so close to getting over him..&I love how Indiana boys are such fagggots, seriously.

&to angeline, I believe I'm fully California-washed. NOT white-washed.
Happy Birthday VT<3

&obviously, I've been a bitch lately :)

Friday, September 4, 2009


How come everytime I start to develop deep feelings for someone they end up tearing me apart? I'm not a piece of gum, stop chewing me up and spitting me back out. I don't need that in my life and at this moment, it's actually the last fucking thing I need.
Why do I keep making these stupid mistakes? This is my second time. Well, It's also my fault. Ever since that one first thing happened, I've changed when it comes to relationships and boys. Maybe that's why... well fuck you.

Fuck you two, better know who you are.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

this is what happened.

I was totally over it. I told myself it was a stupid crush, over and done with it. And then he looked at me...

Monday, August 24, 2009

health class again :)

DUDEEE, huge update needed! beginning w/Aug21!

AUG21...worst birthday of my life period. Nothing super bad really happened, it just Idk. It didn't feel right w/o my dad. I had like super bad moodswings that night too! But on that night I went to my school dance! It was so freaking funny/fun! Everyone was grindin& jerkin, it was grrreat. There was a tightasszs dance battttle =) it was sick! high school is so much betttter than middle school! The dress code &rules are so much ...looser? ahah Idk. Oh& btw to Donald, Charlotte, Vivian, etc =) I didn't get anyone's birthday texts to me excccept for donald's! My phone was fucked up cos I was at the dance it just dieed like a bitch. But thankyou for your birthday wishes &stuff =) laav you guys<3333 the few that remembered<3

AUG22-AUG23, Madison spent the niggght& we went to Louisvilllle just for Forever21, keke! FUCK MAN, evansville needs forever21! &Happy bday to TQ<3 Love you!

AUG24, school day/monday! fuck man, today was shittty. Idk why -____-' oh wells!

&then i'ma try to come back for xmas..AGAIN! Fuck man, but no promises cos I don't want to like disappoint anyone like I did during summer =/ DON'T FORGEEET ABOUT ME >___< hahahaa :) jk <3 LAVYOUALL!

Well, shit son, I'm outszs! <^>

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I'm at school right now! :) I found a way to get on blocked websites. Hmm, Harrison gives us our own laptops anyways! I'm in health right now, which is 6th peeeriod. Then next period is communications >:( I have a fucking presentation to present. AHH, this is so cool! kekekke :) duddde, I miss my life man. Fmlfmlfml <^> kakakakka! Nothing to say, reallly! so ttttyl :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

first day of school tmrw!

tmrw's the first day of school :o Idk if how I feel about it anymore. I mean yesterday at orrrientation, it was pretty fun& stuff :) but, Idk! I really don't feel like blogging though! well, I have all my outfits ready &everything! xxcept for the most important thing, the books! LOLOL :) oh well, fuck school!

Jyp,I haven't been practicing at all =( Fmlfml!

I haven't talked to my bestf, Sisi in like 3 days! that's like 3 years for bestfriends :') kekkeke! but I have Pauuul, he's my bestf too<3 I love them so much& would die w/o them! Idk where I'd be right now if they weren't in my life! :) aren't I the sweetest thing!

So many laughs through the years, and a few stories I hope no one hears, I'll always be by your side, best friends forever till the day we die.

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

Friday, August 7, 2009

prince charming, bestfriends, and life.

Every girl wants a Prince Charming, and while he may be nice and all, I'm thinking that I'd rather have the guy that's gonna call at 4 in the morning just to say hi. Or someone who will stop by my house after just hanging up the phone because he wants to see how I'm really doing, because I said I was fine, but we both know I'm lying. Or the guy who'll stay home on a Saturday night with me because I'm sick. That guy, that one guy, he may not be Prince Charming to anyone else...but he'd be my hero. My "knight in shining armor." Anyone who'd rather stay home on a Saturday night and hold my hair while I puke... that's a hero.

I wish we'd grow old friends together. We would hang out and talk and maybe we could bring our grandchildren along, and when they ask us how long we've been friends, we'll smile and say "almost forever"

As time goes by, life has a way of rearranging itself. People enter your life, and inevitably, they leave as well. Things have a tendency to happen that can turn your world upside down. You'll come to realize eventually, that even though things are different, you are as well.

I've learned my best friend and I can do nothing or anything and have the best time.

Wanna see who your true friends are? Fuck up and see who stays by your side.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

random thoughts!

I love mine& tracy's phone calls! They're always so interesting& hilarious<3 She's forever my hunnaybuns ^__^ love that girrrhl to death! We were making up our own lyrics to Forever& I miss you! Aren't we just the cooolest kidsz?! We were talking about relationships alot too ='( Kekke, whatevers! +We gossiped tons& tons& tons! Tahahhah :']

I miss our weekend phone calls and our infity morning text msgs& I miss how we'd always fall asleep on each other (on the phone) at the same time. I don't like you, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you.

I always ask myself, why can't I just go back to the way my life use to be? &I'm constantly wishing to go back in time. There's nothing I wouldn't do to do so. Fmlfml :'[

'Baby, are you down down down down down? =)

Monday, August 3, 2009

san diego!

shittttt, I forgot to update everyone on my calif trip! I probably forgot cos it was the one of the worst trips of my lfe! I went for like 5 days to sd& it just didn't feel the same =( no dadddy& not my home. sucks cos I had to stay there w/my cousins -___-' no one knew I came back either xcept for Twacccy& Sisi, I think! I couldn't kick it w/ my homesz cos no riddde& shit =/ Whateveeer,Idk! I guess I love calif for it's ppppl or maybe cos I wasn't in Garden Grove o__o LOL, let's say both! I'd appreciate it if everyone stopped asking me bout when I'm coming back &etc. I'm not saying it in a mean way! It's just I get asked about that pretty often. It's alright to ask though, I won't bite :') That's it, tata!

jamaica update!

Lots to update on! First offff, my cruise! It was grrreat! Laying around the ship ordering room service 24/7 &puttting on 7lbs a day! Hahha, just kiddding :') But I did order room service often! IT WAS COOOL, I've never had 'free room service'! But don't worrrry, I kept the weight off by constantly running up and down the cruise stairs instead of using they beautiful glass elevators! Hahha! Oh& it was my mistake! We didn't go to the Bahama's! We went to Key West, Grand Cayman, and JAMAICA! Jamaica was grrreat, everywhere I went all I heard was 'YAH MON' & 'NO PROBBLEM' seriously! I'm no exxagerrrating or anything. LOL =) &our taxi driver had the most amazing name -- azaban bolt! roffffl, i'm going to name my son that :'] well, aug1 was the day I had to go back to reality and get back into the shithole where i'm currently residing.

Ugh, school orientation tmrw! like wtfucccck, i get all depressed just hearing the word. fuck harrison& indiana! I fucking hate it here. I seriously fucking hate Indiana so much. Here w/there manwhores& fake bitches. Seriously, everyone needs to grow the fuck up! I didn't usually talk shit until I came here. &even if I was still the same person I was almost a year ago, I would STILL talk shit on indiana& it's motherfuckers. becos of indiana& it's bitches, I changed for the worse. I did things, I never imagined doing. If everyone I cared for besides my bestf, knew what I've done& all the things I went through, they would stop caring...but I guess all that was my decision, huh? it's called peer pressure.

too much info on JYP stufffff, update you on that some other time, aights? =)
tatata &toodlesz!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Tmrw I'm leaving to Florida at 5AM -___-' going to be so fucking tirrred! I'll be gone for five days :( meaning no phone, internet, blogging, tweeting, &youtubing for my fav boys/2pm! Fmlfml =( &I'ma fucking miss talking to my bestf about the auditions and practicing on the phone w/her! :D I'm going to be in the Bahamas, Turk Islands or something, &going to beaches. I'm going to be tan like a fucking Mexican!

Not that being THAT tan is bad or anything (L)

&Fmlfml, I'm going to miss the second ep of Wild Bunny! AJSDKLFJ;LSKJF i'ma miss them boys! But I won't for long, cos I'ma be seeing them in 4 weeks or so when Sisi& I become jyp traineees >:D hellszs to the fuck yes! Sisi& I got it in the bag =) but I don't want to get my hopes up too high =( it's kinda too late though, rofffl! well, I'm getting tirrred! I rap two miles toddday, sore as a bitch!

well, byeeeee!

Friday, July 24, 2009


I'm on the cell w/tv right now =) I freaking love this girrrhl! We're gossiping ;) Ehheh! Just another upppdate! my last update is pretty much about what I'm doing right now/nowadays! ♥byeeee

Thursday, July 16, 2009

JYPe& other thinnngs!

aslkjdf, I'm so confused& stressed right now. Everything's a blurr! I have so many things on my mind, but jyp has seriously taken over my head! I'm practicing 24/7 &my mind is set to it like fucking crazzzy, but something doesn't seem right! Iddddk )= I feel like I still have to step up my game& Idddk!

&then I'm always thinking bout my bestf, cos she might be joining JYP with me (if we make it) and also, she might come &visit me if her mum lets herrrr! I'm really xxcited, but if I don't get the answer that I want, I don't want to be supper disappointed &get all depressed and shit, you know?!

Fucking pppl nowadays need to GET THEIR OWN LIFE! Crazy ass bitcccch, she's like obsessed or something o__o gosh, indiana pppl are pyscho!

i'ma start using twittttter too, brandibeaaar.twitter.com! TOODLESZ!

Monday, June 29, 2009


I'm getting away. I like cut from talking to all friends xxcept for Paul& Sisi! Yeeeeah. My only true friends, seriously. I don't really feel like blogging today, so gooodbye!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I was going to go to Cali &surrrprise my girrhls& boys on the 16th, but I got in trouble w/the copps again! :( I'm succcha rebel ;) but yeah, so my flight ticccket got cancelled &the ticket for the 17th was fucccking $800 +tax& shit! Fuck that, I'm not going to Cali for a thousand dollars, but I really am upset that I couldn't make it to the Knott's trip, Commencement, &mkl's bonfirrre! Now that I'm coming on the 23rd! It's a long storrry! =( Hopefully, I won't get into anymore troubble! I really feel bad cos I couldn't make it to all those important evennnts, but as long as I'm coming back I think I'll be okay.

DICKFACCCE! I fucking hate you >:[ You're being a real big bitcch& I feel as if I regret becoming your friend again. You're so different& I hate itttt. Hopefully, I'll do something on accident to make you want to stop being my friend. That's how much I DISLIKE you!

I miss my bestf..like seriously. I don't know where she is though. She's channged..&It makes me sad cos she's one of the closest things I had to my daddd. I've been holding in and rejecting that fact that she has changed, but I can't anymore. I have to let itttt go. She's so different& it kills me to know that. I hope this change isn't for long& I hope she realizes how much her newself tears me up inside. I miss my best friend& she's really all I need besides family. I'm lost in the darkness w/o her. I'll find her somewherrre, I'll keep on trying. But one thing forsurrr is that she's always in my <3

Sunday, June 14, 2009


So, today I like spent an hour on the phone w/my hunnnnnybuns<3 ehehheh =") and then I spent 30 minutes making her a vidddeo! Maybe cos I kept restarting ahahha! &I found out a whole lottttta shit back in the OC! I found out like 28937328947293874 like my old dudddde -___-" just as I fucking got over him. He's being a fucking assshole, but then again having a couple of my friends like him is harrrd! Oh well, fuck them bitcccches! Yesterday, I went to something over here called a summer social? I don't know, it's just weird over here o___o but yeeeeah..I went w/harlow baby& we met up w/some duddddes =) No hookup last night tho, I'm not that much of a skannnk ;) She invited me to gettttt crazy tonight w/her sister& others, but naaw! I don't feeel like partying tonight! Also, I've been trying to keep up w/my dances. I don't take dance classes anymore ='( So I don't really have a studio to pracccctice in! so whattttever, but I think thats it for today! GOODBYE BITCHES!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Ahaha, k! So, so much happened the past two days! On my last update down there 'v' madison came over, then late at night we snuck jeremy and trey into my house! it was fuuun =) heheh! and then the next day i went to madison's house and we snuck forrest and wes into her house. that was funnish too! but then @night, her mum came home the same time forrest and wes were leaving her house and we so got caught! Plus, forrest and wes were drinking so i guess her parents assumed we were all drinking. but madison's dad came home and started beating on her and it was crazy! D: then the neighbor's called the cops and they came to the house and her dad explained everything, but then madison and i had to take the breathalizer test thing! I got 0 ^_____^ then my parents came to pick me up and they heard everything -___-" my mum was bout ready to kill me. But now madison and i can't hang out for awhile and she's grounded for the whole summer )= Well gnat came over today and late at night TODAY we snuck RYAN in ahahah! I'm always sneaking boys in ;D well that's it! BYEEEEEEE<3

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

summmer oh nine!

madison's coming oveer today and we're going to party it up tonight! ;) We're gonnnnna get krzee and sneak some boys into the house or we'll just sneeak out of the house! Ahah! Idunnno, but I don't want to go back to California like foreaal. I thought I was so ready to go back to Cali, but I realized I'm just too weak to let go of my old life. But everyone and everything changed back there and I'm not ready to see the difference cos then I'd have no other idea to run to when I'm in no mood to smile. I think it's best to keep the memories at heart and let whatever happen back there happen. Just as long as I have no knowledge of the changes cos I really am no fan of letting go of people and things and say goodbye. But I think this is my first 'good/reasonable/idk' goodbye. So goodbye to the tears that I have cried for my old life in california. &gooodbye to you.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Here's anoother update! Hmm, I didn't really fit everything that happened in the past month so i'ma finish it up here. Um, after the whole break up thing, alot of shit happened! My mainsqz &I got in a fight bout it, and it was just fucking stupid. CHICKS BEFORE DICKS, AYE!? Um, what eelse! Idk! But I'm on fucking lockdown! I haven't been going anywhere the past 5 days! >:O FML! I got grounded on the second day of summer! FML <^><^><^> gbye!

Friday, May 29, 2009


TOO MANY THINGS TO TYPE/IDK WHERE TO START! Ahaha, i'ma just start jottin' down random things that happened the past month! Okay, I was at baby harlow's house and sometime that night we met up w/Duran and his friend Kentrell? And idk that wasn't very exciting but I saw my qt, Duran ;) LOLOL! After they left us, we walked to Blake's house, where Jon was staying! HAH, and outta nowhere I had a fucking bad urge to go numero uno! LOL, Erin didn't do much but laugh! But anywho, once we got to Blake's house, he told us we had to climb thru the fucking window in order to spend time w/them cos girhl's aren't allowed in the house -___-" well it was pretty late, so his parents coulda thought we all were doing something else ;) LOL! My shorts got caught when I was getting in and Jon was trying to pull'em up, ahahhaha! It was hilarious! But we had to hide in Blake's closet for like 2 hours (Exaggerating) so we just decided to sneak the boys out of their house and just head to Erin's! So we did, but since Erin wasn't allowed to have Jon& Blake over, we had to go into the backyard and sit in the clubhouse -_-" Jon& Erin were doing their thing ;) and Blake& I were just sitting there, SO AWKWARD! LOL! But Blake and I decided to just got into the house. Then I fucking realized I got an allergic reaction to something! :O My eyes were swollen and shit! My face was really itchy, it was just horrible! But towards the end of the night...ahahhaha i hooked up w/him. ahahhahahaha (=

Hm, me &the guy that promised to not hurt me + i was seeing for a monthish dumped me :( Whatever, lskjdflsjf. I would die if i had to relive that night. I cried myself to sleep for like 4 days. I know, so dramatic! but seriously, i thought we would fight the battle of long distance relationship. I guess not. When he told me and my friends that he wouldn't hurt me, ..I really thought he meant it. I guess not. When he told me that WE would both work on our relationship, I really thought he meant it. I guess not. When he told me he loved me the night before he broke it off, I really thought he meant it. I guess not. At this moment, I know I should've let go. But idk if i have yet =/ I feel stupid, but I just can't do it. I keep thinking he might come back, leaving me waiting. Nothing hurts more than waiting esp. since I don't even know what I'm waiting for anymore.He wonders why I don't talk to him as much anymore and please believe me when I say its not that I don't want to, It's just that everything I want to say to him/you, I can't tell you/him anymore.Whatever, fuck him and fuck this..but anywho next thing..um,school's out. that's okay too, i suppose. I don't want to go back to California and I don't want to stay in Evansville. But there's nowhere else to go. Ugh, FML. I hate this. I want to be anywhere but here. fuck you and you and you! I'm shitty now, cos of my last update about that boy. So I guess here's the end of it. GOOODBYE<3

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Maybe one day it will be ok again. That's all I want. I don't care what it takes. I just want to be ok again.

The past couple days have been...whatevers. I don't want to live this way. I just want to come back home and live life the way i use to live it. When no one was "fake". When we were ourselves cos no one could ever tell us we were doing it wrong. When we would laugh problems off instead of fighting. When no one cared what other people thought. :'((((( I wanted all of that back so badly, I forgot about living my life. Instead I went around/I am going around and chasing everyone to make them happy and to please them. I'm so tired of this shit. Other than all the bullllllSHIT!

There's a specific someone who makes my day just by hearing their name! =) Even though I have all this bullcrap going on, just the thought of being with him in the summer is enough to get me thru the day. I just wish he could hear all the words I'm too afraid to say =/ I don't want fall hard, but i'm not sure if it's too late or not, yet. I'ma go now


Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'ma bout to 'GO OFF!'

FMLFMLFML! Life's going down the fucking drain, AGAIN!? =/ Someone save meee!
"In the end its not the harsh words of your enemies you remember,
but the silence of your friends."

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

sldfjlsdkjf people neeeed to grow up, like seriously! Calling others fake when the only fake person is the one in her mirror! I'm so sick of her dumb ass! Fuccccck her, if she's gonna leave for a couple days like she's going to leave us forever then you should just leave for gooood. I'm not about to fuck my life up again w/her back in it. I'm fucking done w/being pushed around+putting her happiness before mine! Fuck it, i'm done w/her bullshit. I pray to God that someone is there to hold me down the day I explode and hunt her down. I'm on the urge of committing murder. I've never in my life have felt so furious. HEY, AND GUESS WHAT FUCKER!? The next time we all gather around to talk, open your mouth &talk your bullshit to our fucking faces, you hear bitcccch? If not, then keep our fucking names out of that dirty mouth of yours, k? The next time I hear one of our names rolllll off your mouth, I will rip that tongue out and choke you w/it!

Other than that, my day was a bitch. I kept getting in trouble for littttttle things. I got in trouble for wearing glasses o___o + my shirt being too low?! LOLOL! Gosh, I will burn down Plaza one day and throw 'her' body in the fireee! i'm so mad right now that my mind's just thinking violent thoughts D:

Look at me and tell me what you see, It's a new game now. I'm not the girl I used to be

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


EEEEEEK! I had the best weekend+two days of the week! Lost a friend a couple days ago, but I can careless, cos I gained two more ++life's good w/o heeeer, like foreals! A specific person is really getting me thru alot, &he probably doesn't even know it :) it's the feeling, where you can hear their voice and the worries and problems fade away instantly, the world disappears, and your mind goes blank! i♥feeling and i hope it never goes away! I can honestly say, I'm saying all this pretty fast, but I haven't been real happy in awhile+it's nice to have a little bit of my old life back :( I'm missing my bestf more than usual. I think it's cos i've been going thru all this BS and there's no one really here to tell me that everything's going to be okay or like lend me an ear. I know people can tell other people everything, but she's seriously the only person I can trust+she understands thru my flaws& mistakes!

It's so cold here& all i have are summer clothes LOLOL this is what i get for coming from a sunny city to a miniature anartica D: i neeeed someone to come hold me+keep me warm :'( LOL! +i'm pale as hell, it's unbelievable& deffinately not fun LOL!

"I never thought I’d fall for you as hard as I did"
verything you love before you don't love no more"

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dying for Vegas :')

I haven't blogged since like a century ago D: But yeah, my life has been shitty as hell. I hate it like a bitch, all i need are my 714's! Donald& Jay made me weekend, they're so fucking hilarious.<3

I'm so sick of everyone's bitchassss over here! Everyone's fake and it's driving me crazy! I'm so sick of people taking advantage of my shy, quiet, kind personality. I've let so many people take advantage of me, yet I still don't know how to stand up on my own =/ I promised myself that i'd change, but that hasn't happened, cos idk how. I guess I just sorta thought something would change me itself, Idk really. I'm tired of always apologizing for things I didn't do, I'm done putting people before myself! I spend too much time trying to make others happy, when I can't make myself happy. It's funny how I can brighten people's days up yet Idk how to brighten up my own. I'm fucking sick of people just talking to certain others just becos of their reputation! Goddamn, worry about your character, cos reputation is only what people think you are. Fuck it, i'm done worrying bout what people need to say to or about me, cos fuck I'm not changing for anybody anymore. I'm done having to wait for people to wipe away my tears, cos now i'm going to learn and do it myself. Do myself a fucking favor cos i've been chewed up and spit out too many times. I'm done getting fucked over. Look at me tmrw and tell me what you see. It's a new game, I'm not the girl I used to be.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


what the hell is up w/blogspot! I freaking wrote a shitload in the last post, but it all got erased. DAMN WTF! FUCK BLOGSPOT >:O!

Haven't blogged in forever!

OMG, it's been months since i've blogged :) so this one's going to be long! Okaaaay, lemme see what happened in February, hmmm dang alot of stuff happened. I got my first kiss in Feb<3! But, it was w/the wrong person and stuff. Idkaaay! Alot of shit happened for that. There's so much drama at school, people needa stop running their mouths like it's a marathon. Everyone's so fake and a dramafreeeeak! It's so hard to deal with. I realized I've changed so much and in ways i don't and do like it. Idunno! I just want things to be the same again. It's still hard to believe it's 2009! I miss my daddy like hell. I'm drifting apart from everyone in Calif. No one really thinks about keeping in touch anymore, including me =/ I don't want that to happen, but i guess there's a reason behind all these bad things. I miss my bestfr alot! I haven't been talking to her lately and I need to. SISISISI<3 I seriously can't wait for that! But before college + high school, we still gotta get through summer of two thousand NINE! I can't wait, i'm either flying back to Calif, flying to Belgium, flying to Canada, OR staying in Evansville and fucking cranking it up w/Whitney + Tia + Danielle. Getting fucked up all day, everyday, all night, and EVERY NIGHT<3!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

CHUC MUNG NAM MOI << i think :)

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEARS! :) I think i'm a day late! Well, I don't have school tmrw &I didn't have it today. I didn't go on Monday either ROFL :) Cos everything is FROZZZZZEN! It's so cool, but i'm in desperate need of sunlight + warmth! I miss it so much :( I want to go Korea so badly, not becos of my huge obsession ^___^ ,but becos i want to know what it's like! Saving up my mullaZ$ Indiana is so boring, someone needs to throw a party or something -___-" Welll, that's it for now! I'm going to call GNATALIE<3

Sunday, January 18, 2009


OMG, it's almost mine &GD'sanniversary, I can't wait. It's going to be a year! I'm so adddddicted/obsessed w/Big Bang man :) Life's been okay + for some reason, i don't want to go back to California. My fingers have been sore from texting PAUL 24/7! I got home from J'filthy's house today :'D ROFL<3 WDAFUCK, I TYPED A WHOLE LOT& NOW I'TS GONE -___-" k,bye!

Friday, January 2, 2009

happy late new years :)

HAPPY LATE NEW YEARS! : ) My New Years was wack& so was my xmas, i miss my daddy :( School's in 3 days, fuck man. I want to be ANYWHERE, but here. I'm so sick of it here >:( I miss ....everything. FASLKFJSLKFJ I feel like going to Hawaii. I hate schoool -___-" Screw thissss,